Air Riders

Hot air balloon rides: Hot air balloon rides are a popular air riders activity in Sri Lanka, providing visitors with an unforgettable experience of floating above the scenic landscapes of the country. The rides are usually conducted early in the morning, and the views of the sunrise over the countryside are breathtaking.
Helicopter tours: Helicopter tours are another exciting way to explore Sri Lanka from the air, providing visitors with a bird's eye view of the country's landmarks and natural beauty. The tours can be customized to the client's preferences and can include visits to popular tourist attractions such as ancient ruins, beaches, and mountain ranges.
Paragliding: Paragliding is a thrilling air riders activity that allows visitors to soar above the mountains and coastline of Sri Lanka. The tours are usually conducted in groups with experienced guides, and visitors can choose from a range of routes and difficulty levels.
Microlight flights: Microlight flights are a unique air riders activity that allows visitors to fly over the scenic landscapes of Sri Lanka in a small aircraft. The tours can be customized to the client's preferences and can include visits to popular tourist attractions such as ancient ruins, beaches, and mountain ranges.
Skydiving: Skydiving is a high-adrenaline air riders activity that allows visitors to experience the thrill of freefalling from an airplane and parachuting to the ground. The tours are conducted with experienced instructors and include a training session before the actual dive.

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Traveler’s Exploration pvt Ltd.
Traveler’s Exploration pvt Ltd.
Traveler’s Exploration pvt Ltd.